Empowering Older Workers
The Ageing Workforce Ready (AWR) project was an innovative collaboration between Australia’s largest super fund, AustralianSuper, and organisational psychology practitioners, Transitioning Well.
The Ageing Workforce Challenge
Australian employers have been slow to engage with the realities of an ageing workforce. Older workers are exposed to workplace psychosocial stressors that can affect their mental health and wellbeing both during late career navigation and the transition to retirement.
Employers that provide supportive work environments for older workers not only enhance mental wellbeing at work, but also in retirement.
The aim of the AWR program was to develop and pilot interventions designed to protect and promote the mental health and wellbeing of ageing workers in the public transport industry.
The delivery of the program represents a collaboration between eight Victorian transport organisations, Australia’s largest superannuation fund AustralianSuper, organisational psychology consulting firm Transitioning Well, peak industry body Bus Association Victoria (BusVic), and the Transport Workers Union (TWU). Approximately 3,000 older employees were represented across the eight partner organisations.

A Holistic Approach
The AWR program was established to address these challenges head-on. By adopting a holistic approach, this innovating program aimed to create a supportive and inclusive work environment for older workers. The interventions piloted in the program were informed by a literature review, roundtables with experts and end-users, and tailored via co-design processes for the public transport industry.

“With our workforce getting older and transitioning to retirement later, it’s important we, as an industry representative for employers, understand and implement best-practice in exactly what it means to be ageing workforce ready. It will complement the capability of members’ businesses immensely, as mental health and wellbeing programs have done in the past.”
The 4 Phases Of The AWR Project
1. Roundtables
A literature review, stakeholder input and consumer expert roundtables were conducted.
2. MPI Assessment
The Maturity of Practice Index (MPI) uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative data to assess the performance of each organisation against four best practice pillars (i.e., Roadmap, Recruitment, Retention and Retirement). This provided an external review into each organisations readiness and maturity to support an ageing workforce including practical recommendations where improvements could be made.
3. Organisational Activities
Using insights from the assessment phase, tailored activities were recommended for each participating organisation. Manager training and resources developed by the project were then implemented, evaluated and refined. These focused on people’s awareness and learning, as well as reducing work-related factors in the design or management of work that increased employee stress.
4. Evaluation
Data was then collected by an independent evaluator (i.e., Pracademia) and compared with the baseline data to assess the impact of the intervention.
Accelerated by the demographics of the country shifting towards older Australians, businesses are increasingly recognising the importance of inclusivity and adapting their practises accordingly. I am delighted that we are able to be part of designing solutions for employers to assist their older workers achieve dignity at work and when they retire.
Our Impact
We were really excited to take part in the pilot to challenge unhelpful myths and stereotypes about older workers. We have an absolute commitment to diversity and inclusion and identified new opportunities to recruit, retain and support the wellbeing of older workers across the public transport industry.
Increasing Manager Confidence To Be Ageing Workforce Ready
Twenty-two participants provided feedback regarding the face-to-face training. As shown in the graph below there was a positive upswing in participants' knowledge in each of the five domains assessed. Overall, these findings reflect a 40% increase in knowledge across all five domains following completion of the training.
Pre- to post-training changes in knowledge for face-to-face training participants (N=22)
I was proud to lead a project that was all about supporting older workers. Good work is good for all of us – whether it’s paid or voluntary, meaningful work where people feel productive and valued (and not stressed) positively impacts both physical and mental health. Many employers need to be doing more to achieve this in the context of an ageing population.
A Brighter Future for Older Workers
The AWR program has demonstrated that it is possible to create a workplace where older workers can thrive. With a prevention-led approach, the program offered tools and education to facilitate systemic change. To achieve this, the AWR program concentrated on several key areas:
✓ Increased Employee Engagement
We know that older workers who feel valued and supported are more likely to be engaged and motivated.
✓ Manger Confidence
Increased awareness and upskilled managers to better understand facts about an ageing workforce and legal constraints, and feel more confident to have supportive conversations with their team members.
✓ Industry Partnership
Demonstrated a commitment to working closely with industries, unions, and businesses for a holistic approach to harnessing the power of older workers.
✓ Public Advocacy
By producing content in the form of articles, infographics, videos, social media campaigns to dispel common myths, we educated and inspired the public to take note of the discrimination surrounding older workers.
Meet Dave and Carlos
Same age, same job, similar companies… very different retirement outcomes.
Unlock Your Workforce's Potential
The AWR program serves as a model for other industries seeking to harness the potential of their ageing workforce.
Our national team of psychologists bring evidence-based approaches, tailored tactics, and extensive research to the table, which allows us to support your people at the intersection where work meets life. To learn more about the AWR, and our late career and retirement services, click here. Or get in touch with our team.
AWR was funded by Worksafe’s WorkWell Mental Health Improvement Fund between 2019 and 2022.