A 60 year old today has a 50% chance of living to 90 or more.

It’s worth pausing to think about how to make the most of that time. These days there’s no retirement rule-book – you can do just about anything you like!

Some people find this prospect freeing and exciting, some find it harder to make clear plans, and others become anxious and stuck.

Recognising the importance of supporting people through this transition, Transitioning Well offer a customised coaching program.

Everyone's experience of late career and retirement is different. It's about navigating one's own pathway and self reflection is key."

Menopause and Work Study 2022

About the Program

Some people start thinking about retirement a couple of years in advance, others start putting a plan in place much earlier.

Whether you are retiring completely, switching to contract consultancy work, or wanting to ramp down sooner than later – you need a plan.

Not just a financial plan but one that considers the other pieces of the puzzle including our physical, cognitive, emotional and social wellbeing.

Navigating this transition also means thinking about the people around us. Talking to a significant other, co-workers, medical professionals, and others can be confronting but can also make life a bit easier for everyone.

How It Works 

The Late Career to Retirement Coaching Program is evidence based, and designed and facilitated by workplace psychologists.

We customise the 6.5-hours of individual coaching around your specific needs. The program provides the tools and resources proven to maximise transition success.

This includes:

  • Complimentary initial chat to ensure you can work with your coach.
  • 6.5-hours of coaching delivered via video conferencing, phone or face to face by arrangement. 
  • Transition Assessment (Schlossberg & Kay, 2003) that provides a personalised ‘4S’ Transition Success Grid.
  • Workbook and templates that guide you through the development of a Transition Action Plan.
  • Transition book of choice.

Who Benefits

The coaching spans the preparation, transition and adjustment phases of late career or retirement.

It is ideal for those approaching retirement from the Partnership, whether or not they continue to work for your organisation or elsewhere.

The program can also be tailored for people in their late career who are in the early stages of thinking about what retirement might look like for them.

Find out more about our Partner Retirement Transition Coaching.